Sexy Movie Producer Arrested in Pattaya

Sexy Movie Producer Arrested in Pattaya

A few weeks ago we told you about two nitwits that produced sex movie in Thailand for selling abroad and on the Internet. Now it looks like the Pattaya Police finally have caught one of them after his girlfriend at that time told the police (I guess Pattaya Police do not read my blog). The Pattaya Police raided and arrested Mr. Anthony Andrew Poer an American National living in the Spanish Condo (whom by the way have problems finish their condos do not buy from them).

He had in his room sexy clothing’s and video equipments to make a movies and the Police also seized loads of movies that he already did with some of the girls. He will probably be deported after a fine since this is not a big crime in Thailand but he might get a few month for the drugs and weapon they also found in his apartment.

Read our full story about the Sex Movies in Thailand if you know these two people in Thailand please tell local the Police about it.

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