Sex Scandal in Pattaya

Sex Scandal in Pattaya

Sometimes the news in Thailand is funny and over the top. Serial English speaking newspapers reported about the Porno Scandal in Pattaya in east Thailand. The headlines were something like

Sex Scandal in Pattaya, Porno ring caught in Pattaya and many more headlines similar to these.

Some Russian been caught doing a movie with the Thai girl he went home with from a bar. The Police and media reported waves of criminal gangs are making sex movies in Pattaya. Well yes, they are but they are not using girls from the bars and hiding cameras, they pay the girls good money for it. This Russian person was probably not part of that network because the movie quality you get from that small camera on the top of the shelf will not make a good movie.

If you check for example Craigslist any day at the week, you can see a number of people looking for models in Thailand. I also know girls got offers from some guys on Facebook and other social media but we are not talking hidden cameras here.

The funny thing is selling sex is illegal in Thailand and I am not sure recording a sexual act would be legal if you only use it privately. If the act of sex is illegal, is recording it just part of the evidence? I know the act of putting the movie online is illegal but he has not done that he simply recording himself with a girl in a hotel room, his own room. There a number of starts in Thai media, that go a bad rep for recording sex movies but I do not see any of them arrested for making porno movies. They just got a bad rep for having sex and telling people about it. In the Hi So world of Thailand, you can look sexy but you cannot have sex but that is another story.

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