Security at Bangkok Airport

Security at Bangkok Airport

Was reading an article in the Bangkok Post on what the airport staff thinks about the problems in the airport.

Apparently the cameras that they have are so good that they can read the name tag on your clothing.

So if the security cameras in the Bangkok airport are that good why can they not arrest and kick out the people scamming tourists?

The problem is as always in Thailand lack of motivation and risk of loosing your job. Even the most honest worker can do little when his boss is corrupt. He just gets dragged in to it or he will loose his work. You can see for example Thai police officers sitting in the DVD shops in Pantip plaza and do nothing because the boss got paid already.

So if the boss of the security guy already got his money from the scammers the lonely security guy just risk loosing his job by doing his job.

It all comes down to the corruption and if the top brasses don’t stop taking money the pyramid bellow will not stop and that’s all the way down to vote buying.

As an end note I want to say that the security cameras are that good so maybe you should think about that next time before you put a finger in your nose in public.

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One Response

  1. CyberBob

    September 25, 2009

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