Rules of Dating in Thailand

Rules of Dating in Thailand

In Thailand there are some different rules when it comes to love, date and a break.
The Thais don’t follow the normal rules like westerns are use to.
You are not a girlfriend or boyfriend if you not live together under the same roof so when girl answer you if she has a boyfriend and she says “no” its not really true from my standards.

If you ask a girl on the street for a phone number then she might give it to you just to be polite not because she like you. She does it because she is nice and don’t expect she will answer when you call. If you call too much then she might give the phone to her real Boyfriend that want to know why you keep calling his girlfriend.

She also might get back together with you if you broke up just because she want to be polite and nice to you but it will only last a couple of days then she will vanish.

If you feel this new things for you is confusing take a look at they might have something for you to read about this subject.

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