Please move for the fire trucks in Bangkok

Please move for the fire trucks in Bangkok

Yesterday it was a big fire near my area and it was in the middle of the rush hour so off course in these small streets the fire trucks could not get there fast enough. 20 wooden house of 500 burnt down one of these old communities. Probably people starting making fire now the weather got colder.

In most countries the fire trucks have priority and if you not move they run over you or push your car aside and I think that is a good thing. Fire can damage a whole city and many people can die if it is not put under control.

The problem is and I wrote it before nobody moves for an ambulance or a fire truck. They move for some politician with a police escort but not for life saving matters. Some even stop and block the road because they want to see what’s going on or they are waiting for the food stall to finish the food.

Then you have all this “volunteers” on motorbikes and pickup trucks and motorbikes that comes to the fire to “help” sure there is some of them that really want to help but the government should ask them to gather money instead and buy real fire trucks and have real trained firemen. With so many people around who can really say who is in charge.

Let’s hope the new government will do something about it.

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