Phuket makes another blunder

Phuket makes another blunder

The government in Phuket really needs to crack down on money hungry police officers and send them to charm school. Now a Australian woman have been arrested for stealing a bar mat. She has been put in a cell and the media circus is on going. The Australian media is writing about it and people are already canceling trips to Thailand. A few month ago they arrested a black man from the UK for insulting a Immigration Police.

If any Thai person would have done a drunk joke and steal a bar mat they police would have give them a fine off maybe 500 THB and let them go. But because they try to get some money from foreign tourist they make a big problem from it.

Then we have the problem with the “save face” now the media circus is in full spin so the Police feel that they will loose face if they let the woman go even if they made an error.

You can read the full story here

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