Phuket arrest prostitutes

Phuket arrest prostitutes

When the Thai Police finally go and do something they always target someone that do not pay them money. If you take Pattaya for example the Lucifer Disco and Insomnia on Walking Street was raided for pee test before New Year. Marine Disco was never raided because the Marine group is to powerful and do not have foreigner owner. The Thai girls know this as well so all the drug girls hang out at Marine now.

Last week in Phuket a massage palace was raided and 57 girls was arrested for prostitution, no one was actually arrested since they could not prove anything they just found loads of condoms. Probably he did not pay to the Police since Patong beach is full with places that sells sex to tourists.

A few years ago Qbar was the place to be if you wanted to be harassed by the Police and then it moved on to another club.

But the problem is this just makes the Thai Police look more corrupt when they only target some establishments. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand so what are they waiting for go after all the girls working in Pattaya for example. Check how they got the money and where they work I am sure the tax record is reveling.
For the Thai Police and the Thai government to gain some credit with the public they need to have a clear policy and stick with that one. If you think girls selling sex is a problem then arrest them all. If you not going to arrest all of them make it legal and stop the police from getting money under the table.

Personally i think the problem is to big so it should be made legal to sell sex and then the Police can go after underage children being abused and other more important things.

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