Pattaya WOW Pattaya fitness saves money with towels

Pattaya WOW Pattaya fitness saves money with towels

I can give you the first review of the WOW California in Pattaya. The place has a huge lobby and a smaller gym section but the Yoga and Group X rooms are nice and big.

The personal trainers are plentiful like the fitness center in Paragon it is clear that the WOW fitness center is betting on rich clients in Pattaya.

There is no sauna but a security guard is present in the shower room to make sure we do not do anything bad in the showers.

They do not give out any free towels so people dry themselves with the hair dryers and that is pretty funny to watch. I do not think WOW safes lots of money not having any towels because the power to the hair dryer must cost a lot.

One other bad thing with the missing towels is that nobody dries of there gear and that’s kind of grosses.

If Eric Levine troughs in some free small towels and a sauna and maybe change the CD every week it will upgrade the first WOW center in Pattaya Thailand.

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