Pattaya hotel prices up 20 percentages

Pattaya hotel prices up 20 percentages

Don’t be surprised if your favorite hotel or restaurants in Pattaya has taken the price up by 20 percentages at least from last year. When I was down in Pattaya this week there was a general increase on everything from pirated DVD to food and hotels. The only thing that was the same was beer price.

We were eating in one restaurant and he even salted the bill even if it was not in the menu. That’s actually illegal but I did not want to make a scene for 20 THB.

From what I was reading in the local paper the Eastern Seaboard of Hotels organization has told their members to take the price up. I really do not mind the price increase if that would leads to some improvement in things in Pattaya but since the things are the same and getting worse the price should go down.

I saw a lot of Russians and I am sure the big hotels are doing great but Russians have a season as well and when they are gone it will back to normal. One thing they might have forgotten is that they are here on charter and as Spain can tell you they don’t bring that much money with them and they sometimes create more problems then money.

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