Pattaya dumbest drug dealer caught

Pattaya dumbest drug dealer caught

We want to name Thomas McAuley the most stupid drug dealer in Pattaya for 2009. In the category dumbest foreign drug dealer in Thailand 2009 he already has our vote.

Thomas McAuley sold big range of drugs from his gangster car in Pattaya to the Thai youth and not to other foreigners in Thailand.

It was just a matter of time before another Thai drug dealer told the police of the stupid foreigner selling drugs from his car in central Pattaya.

Thomas McAuley was caught red handed in his gansta car with loads of drugs and a scale and plastic bags. If convicted he can face death but probably he will get life and after maybe 10 years sent back to his home country of Ireland (if he still alive then).

thomas mcauleyt
thomas mcauleyt

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