PAD did nothing for Thailand

PAD did nothing for Thailand

So after more then 5 month of occupying and fighting for the country and for the Thailand King as they say PAD finally leaves the last stronghold.

So what did they achieve? Well the only thing they did achieve that can be on the plus side was to temporarily stop the cabinet to approve a change to the constitution that would have brought Mr Sneaky sneaky Thaksin back.

Do not think Thaksin is holding his fingers away from Thailand oh no he controlling everything from abroad like a telephone chess game.

Did PAD bring down the former PM of PPP Samak?

No he fell on cooking food on televisions and probably would not last that much longer since he is now in USA for serious cancer treatment. I think he has done his part in Thai history and he has really been part of it.

Did PAD achieve anything good by occupying the Airport and making Thailand lose goodwill and loads of money?

No the PPP PM was brought down same way as Samak with a court order. Both Samak and Somachi obey the court orders it’s only PAD that does not do it.

Now Thai Air want to sue PAD for 20 billion THB and I am sure many will stand in line after them. But PAD will just laugh and occupy the airport and say what 20 billion. Some politicians now want to outlaw PAD as a terrorist organization, well I would not take it that far but people have got hurt and some should be punished.

If you want democracy you have to accept the rules but the problem is PAD does not want democracy they do not want the poor peoples vote to count because they are more poor people then rich. Does it make sense, not really? If Thaksin could have kept his finger out of the extra money and just rule Thailand as a good PM then we probably have a different scenario now.

PAD has put the country to the brink of civil war and a bloody fight of red or yellow shirts. Do we really want to be scared for what shirt we have and what if we just love the King but hate PAD what color should we take

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