Order drinking water in Thailand

Order drinking water in Thailand

As you know you can not drink the water from the Tap in Thailand. You can if you buy a cleaner but how clean is it really? I know one guy that drink all the time from the tap he has not become ill yet but I guess sooner or later they will find him dead.
Its not that the water is not clean it is the pipes that is the problem in Bangkok.

There are only two brands of water that I drink in Thailand and that is Nestle and Minere they are the only once that are in a good price range and taste good. Minere also have minerals and they are only water that has the in Thailand.

I found a good service if you not want to carry the bottles home that come and deliver to your home and it is a little bit cheaper then the supermarkets. You also will get some free bottles ask them what’s the offer now and they tell you.

You can also order Jasmine rice and Brown rice from them if you like.

The number is

02 6838787 or 0891394687

You can also fax

02 6838668

Email homedelivery (at) marketfeedback.co.th

If you know of any service outside Bangkok like this let us know.

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