Now is the time to use a helmet in Thailand

Now is the time to use a helmet in Thailand

Now is the time to wear a helmet and bring your passport when you drive a motorbike a car. If you drive a motorbike in Pattaya from the 25 the last night of the month you are most likely to be stopped.

Thai police get a bunch of traffic tickets to give away every month and commission on them every month they need to finish them before the last every month.

Most days of the months they spend in cool police stations or doing something else, so when the month is about to end they need to crank it up.

This is the reason why you are most likely to be stopped and fined for the most silly crime in the end of the month.

If you do not mind wearing the helmet during the others days of the month they you should off course do it. It is cool to have a helmet and it is not cool to have your brain smashed on the street.

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