Now I know internet is really bad in Thailand

Now I know internet is really bad in Thailand

When you stay away from Thailand for a while you really bad the internet connections is in Thailand. Looking at streaming movies suddenly got a new meaning and video chat really worked. Do not get me started on torrents I could share all night in Thailand and get one movie and here I get one movie in maybe 10 minutes.

Some how I wish I could stay here using internet and invite the sun to come here instead. All the talks about internet hub and what ever the Thai government have tried to create can not be serious attempts if they ever been to another country and check the speed on the internet outside Thailand.

I be back in Thailand soon and with that the slow connection will start again and since we are in the rainy season the line will probably be even slower when the lines get wet.

There is a network for most people in the big cities to have internet and then lines can take it but the internet companies need to buy more speed from outside Thailand that’s the only solution if Thailand want to be a internet or software hub in Asia.

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