Nok Thaksin does not say much sometimes he yelps but not much heard otherwise. I am worried he is ill and my maid from Essarn looks at him with timid eyes. She loves to take care of him and wish him to get better soon. Not much, we can do for Nok Thaksin but to look at him while he struggles for survival.  I am not a big fan not Nok Thaksin myself but we should care about all people and Noks when they need help. This is what being a Thai and Buddhist is about helping people and make there life’s a bit better. The greed and selfishness we see now in Thailand has taken root and and pushed the Buddhist values away. Nevertheless, we have to start somewhere to become more Buddhist so do not hate a Nok just because she or he is a Nok you are all Thai and from the same earth.
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