No sex on the beach in Pattaya

No sex on the beach in Pattaya

Despite what everybody may think about Thailand’s reputation about a sex country it is not a very open sex kingdom.

In 6 month now a few tourist have been arrested and fined 500 THB for having sex or being naked at the Pattaya beach playing with each other.

If you want to have sex on the beach in Pattaya you should probably think again because there are always people around and they will call the police. Bedside that the water is really dirty and that area is not very safe at night.

You should try some of the Thai island with deserted beaches instead and even if its still illegal nobody will be there to film or report you to the Thai Police.

Locals get a free pass

The Thai law can be somewhat confusing for the foreigners but here is some examples what the Thai can do but not you. These acts are totally ok for the Thais to but not you.

  • Walk around almost naked in high heels.
  • Grab your genitals and whisper in your ear.
  • Dance around a pool inside a bar naked.
  • Have a soap bath naked with some girlfriends in a bar.
  • Have a sex show in a bar totally naked.

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