New crack down on drugs in Thailand

New crack down on drugs in Thailand

The Thai government is planning yet another crack down on drugs and they want to ensure the public that it will not be a violent crack down like last time. This time the crack down will be trough normal police work and take help from military.

They already have a first step of the crack down but it was not very successful the Thai government is now pushing all involved agencies to step up and really make an effort. It can be difficult since some of the Thai police officers might be involved or protecting drug dealers. Thailand have also got criticism for not arresting the “big people” behind the dealers, only the small people get arrested but the masterminds keep finding new dealers.

The crack down will also try to stop people already arrested and punished to going back to the drugs.

The former PM of Thailand Mr Taksin violent crackdown resulted in a killing sprees that left over 2500 people dead. But Thaksins crackdown really had an affect and many people stopped doing or selling drugs from that day. But the drug dealers are now back to normal and since the bad times many people looking for a quick income

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