My friend think Hawaii is the worst place on earth

My friend think Hawaii is the worst place on earth

It’s pretty funny my friend has study in Thailand and then moved to finish his MBA in Hawaii. When we think about Hawaii we all think its paradise on earth compares to Thailand but my friend misses Thailand so much.

He says to get cheap apartment you have to look for a week or two and in the mean time live in a hostel or similar. They rent out small rooms for the price of a palace and you should be lucky if it has a window. The cheapest thing you can eat is off course Hamburgers and the locals don’t like western people. Well the like Swedes but not Americans they are still angry because the white man took their land.

I am sure the situation is different is you their to spend money and live on one of the luxury hotels then Hawaii can be as paradise for some but living like a student no way.


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