MTV flunked in Thailand and M.I.B busted Thai TV Pirates

MTV flunked in Thailand and M.I.B busted Thai TV Pirates

UBC Thailand, the only company the have broadcasting rights in Thailand flunked MTV and VH1 when their contract out on Tuesday. They did this of course without telling any of the viewers in advance and that is strange because the reason to flunk this 2 channels was according to UBC a new trend and demand for Thai channels. Instead of MTV we will now be seeing Explore 1 and the amazing channel Explore 2 and last but not least Explore 3. UBC was afraid of

too many music channels and we already have Channel V a 100 % Thai music Channel

We at Personal Thailand think they are right Explore 1 2 3 sound much more unique then 3 different music channels. Now there is no TV or Radio channel left in Thailand that have western DJ which is Sad since people around Asia is flocking to go English private schools.

Meanwhile that CEO of MTV Thailand said that 1 million people would pay for a new satellite dish plus 300 THB a month within a year to see MTV + 7 other musics and fashion channels. The 1 millions number he predicted was as usual not based on any facts what so ever which is totally accepts as good news in Thailand.

While UBC was busy flunking MTV the men in brown MIB (the Thai Royal Police) was busy closing down 3 pirate cable operators that has been broadcasting UBC for about 10 years with no license. The MIB has been looking for this operators for 10 years but has problem finding them (follow the cable maybe?). Luckily the American Movie association came with a big bag of money (bigger then the pirates?) and finding them was easy. According to our source within the MIB headquarters they just call their subscription office and asked for the address.

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