More then 50 Burmese die the rest arrested

More then 50 Burmese die the rest arrested

The Thai government has done another blunder and showing the word that they are not a friend of human rights.

Over 50 Burmese refuges or workers trying to get in to Thailand was suffocated when they was transported in a cooling container. Normally the air-conditioner in the car should be on and let air in but the driver did not do that.

When the driver of the car heard some banging on the back he went to check and saw all the dead people. He then fled the scene and has not been found yet.

So what did the Thai government do about this? Well they went into swift action and arrested all survives.

The human smugglers and criminals that make 5000 THB per person dead or alive from this will off course not be arrested they have protection from above.

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