Loy Kratong fast fix

Loy Kratong fast fix

As you all know its that time of year when we make our best effort to dump more shit in the sea to make the gods happy. People float the problems from last year. I have my special Loy Kratong at home and i like to share it with you. If you think its is not special enough you can try dim the light in the toilet or something.

Here a advice for everybody that want to have a cheap and fast Loy Kratong

1. Take your old gf / bf photo
2. Cut it in to small pieces
3. Make a ball of it
4. Light it up and let it burn in the toilet before you flush
5. Enjoy the special feeling of that Loy Kratong and you ex is over

On a serius not here is the real story about Loy Kratong.

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