Italy men busted for drugs in Pattaya

Italy men busted for drugs in Pattaya

A Thai woman and some Italy men were caught in a hotel room in Pattaya doing drugs according to The Nation.

Firstly the Italians were probably framed by some one in the Thai police that want money under the table to let them go. It is very common that a Thai girl working for the police suggests foreigners to take drugs and then calls the police to come and bust them.

One of my friends was sitting in a nightclub and some girl he met gave him a joint and he took one small puff and suddenly 5 police officers showed up and he had to pay 300 000 to get out of jail. Cleary overcharged but it was his first time in Thailand and he was very scared.

Secondly I do not know really why this was news because Thai people are caught every day taking drugs. We should be glad the English speaking magazines do not published all the horror stories that futures in the Thai newspapers. Probably foreign people would be so scared to stay in Thailand they would leave with the next plane.

If you put on the Pattaya news channels you will get a small dose on how much crime is going on just in this small resort city but in Bangkok they do not have a news channel like this.

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