It is good to do politics in Thailand

It is good to do politics in Thailand

In an article today in the Bangkok Post the Princess hotel was complaining that now when they had a coup there was nobody eating near the parliament house in the private restaurant rooms.
The 10 private rooms were normally full but now they hardly have anybody eating there. The owner said that the groups spend hours in there talking and the bill landed most of the time on 10 000 to 50 000 THB.


I think that before the military lets the politician are sent back to parliament they should think what they are eating. What happened to a lunch for a few hundred and why this over the top luxury. Do they really know that a rice farmer maybe only earns 2000 month and they actually eat for more then he makes in a whole year? Still the reaming parties today went out and told people they are doing a politics reform for the people, I believe it when I see it start cutting down on the lunches and give to the poor would be a good start.

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