Is Thailand trying to kick foreigners out?

Is Thailand trying to kick foreigners out?

Is Thailand trying to kick foreigners out?

The biggest topic on all forums now is the Thailand government’s lack of understanding for investment in Thailand. Instead of listing to the chamber of commerce and other channels it close all doors like a small child and put there view on CNN. They stock market of Thailand advertises how open and happy Thailand is. But there is a problem there you see the truth about Thailand right now is a total different one and everybody that follow the Thai news knows that the happy times are over. If Thailand does not get a foreigner friendly government soon we might be heading for the same destiny as Philippines once did.

One of the oldest none Thai stock brokers in Thailand wrote this today in The Finical Times

I think people like me feel as if they are having the door slammed in their face,” says Mr Greenwood, now a businessman. “Foreigners have made enormous contributions to Thailand, but the messages we are getting now are that Thais don’t need us or want us.

You can read the full story here

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