Iran group tour in Pattaya lost $ 1200 on 2 girls, 6 condoms and 2 bottles of cheap wine

Iran group tour in Pattaya lost $ 1200 on 2 girls, 6 condoms and 2 bottles of cheap wine

A trio gentlemen from the Islamic Republic of Iran went on a group tour to Pattaya on the cost of Thailand. While the trio was having a night out on town they decided to taste the forbidden fruit so to speak. With there limited budget they decided to bar fine (take girl home) only two girls to share. They also decided to save on the beverage cost and went to 7/11 and bought two bottles of wine and a pack of 6 condoms.

What happened after the men came to the hotel is for them a mystery. They woke up in the morning with all the six condoms spent and a big problem to control the bladder. One of the gentlemen from the Islamic Republic of Iran did not wake up at all he just kept sleeping.

When his friends could not awake him they tried calling the hospital but realized that there money and cell phones where missing.
The money missing was according to the men from the Islamic Republic of Iran over 50 000 THB.

The police was called in and they suspected that the girls had drugged the men and took a little bit too much tip. The idea that they were drugged sounds to much like fiction our guess is that they just got drunk and fell asleep. Too much food and the heat alone with loads of sex and two bottle of wine can do that to people.


Even if the girls deserved some money for the nightly sex marathon they won’t get away with the 50 000 THB tips since one of the girls left her ID card in the hotel.

The police have asked local media not to run the story and the trio from the Islamic Republic of Iran was smuggle out from a side door to escape the waiting press.

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