If you download sex in Thailand the police will come

If you download sex in Thailand the police will come

One day after the new law for internet use came to place some one hacked in to the ICT ministry website and posted anti government slogans and a song condemning the coup.

The ICT minister said he was not angry someone did it he thought that the young people of Thailand was clever and he said his staff was lagging the knowledge to make it hacking safe.
Right, but should not the ICT ministry hire some people that that actually knows what www means or looks at more then 2 websites a day?

The new laws includes some nasty stuff like the Police can without a warrant clamp inside your house and take your computer if they suspect you have porn in it.

Because everybody know that Go Go bars and Ping Pong shows does not really exists and why close them down when they not exist better to terrorize people and take their computers.

One Response

  1. Michel

    July 21, 2007

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