I have to go to Singapore

I have to go to Singapore

I have to go to Singapore next month because my visa runs out and I need to stay there for a few days and i always like some airline travel I been there before but I like to explore more of the city. I know I have not been to all the attractions yet thats for sure Singapore has so much to offer. I have not been to the Arabic district and not the Chinese once as well. I saw a movie last month about the red light district I did not even know they had one I really want to check it where they made the movie.

I saw today in the magazine in Thailand has a special offer for the trip to Singapore but it is only one way and you can never be sure that the round trip will be cheaper then you book a package with hotel and everything. Last time I was in Singapore I booked the entire trip online and that was with hotel and transfer to the hotel as well and I think that was good choice. The only thing I did not like was that the cable TV did not work because they had build a big house next door so that that blocked the satellite view or thats what they told me. But now I can check on this site if there is any construction going on in the hotel or if something is not as it should.

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