How a Thai Police crack down works

How a Thai Police crack down works

If you seen the news about the buss crash that killed 29 people you might have asked yourself why did the driver not stop the buss in time? He did not do it because he would have been fired and forgotten. Nobody will remember him as the hero that saved 29 lives because the buss accident would never have happened. If he had stopped and maybe told his boss his boss would have reminded him that he own him “kreng Jai” in Thai and the buss driver would continue driving. If he gone to the police and told them about the old and bad buss the police would have called his boss and since his boss pays the police the police would laugh and asked him get a move on.

Now the police is going to have a crack down on bussed during the big holiday that is coming but the problem is that this “crack down” it only mean one thing and that is that buss drivers and the owners have to pay more money to the police. It does not mean the police going to do anything about it. They going to take more money that should have been used to repaired the busses and just let them run. That is how a Thai crack down work, you pay more and sometimes they arrest some one to look good.

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