Get a Thai girlfriend tricks

Get a Thai girlfriend tricks

Thai guys face to the fact that there are many handsome foreigner guys in Thailand. Actually it should be a good fact, so Thailand will get more money for tourism and being a more exciting country with many people from many different countries as long as they are harmless. But it turns to be the bad fact since it seems like many Thai girls like those foreigner guys as you can see that most of foreigner guys are hardly being single while they are here in Thailand, even they are in Thailand they still have a relationship with a girl as we call “gig”.

This fact is the sad fact for Thai guys so they turn the jealousy to the violence instead. Most of the time I see the fight between a foreigner guy with more than 3 Thai guys and there is no doubt which side is going to win that fight then. I don’t know what the reason they had a fight but I will take a guess that because of Thai guys want to show their power and it’s their time to pay back since all foreigner guys have many girls around them while they don’t.

But in fact all guys can get a girlfriend if they know some tricks for that. Guys should know how to be cocky funny. It’s such a personality that every guy should have to be surrounded with a lot of girls then.

I don’t want to talk much about it because I don’t want anyone to think I’m an expert who can teach the guys how to react with the girls because I really don’t. But I know a good site for guys to check out all cocky funny, male flirting body and girlfriend stuff.

I read some of them but don’t know if they are going to work or not because I’m not going to use all those tricks due to I’m a woman. But all guys can check out and please let us know if all those tricks or at least one of them are working.

But one thing I can tell that handsome is not everything and it doesn’t mean that you will get a girlfriend if you are handsome. I agree that it will be easier to get a chance to know girl if you are handsome but the chance to get a girlfriend is not much more than less handsome guys at all.

One Response

  1. Marc Klein Portal

    November 9, 2007

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