Four years of writing about Thailand

Four years of writing about Thailand

I have done four years of blogging at almost a daily rate sometimes more. It really started with the Tsunami and then the coup in Thailand. I was helping the CSI in Bangkok to make a register for the victims of the Tsunami and when we finished the Thai government said we could not show it because it will give a bad reputation to Thailand (showing dead people). However, after that I really started blogging, while I was living in Phuket I did not do much for over two years more than enjoying Thailand.

After that, I kept writing about my marriage and then the first coup I Thailand, seeing soldiers marching outside my house. I continued writing about my life in Thailand and all the difference aspects of it, after 10 years now I think I can say I am an expat for real. We all have different views on life in Thailand and we all have different ideas on how it is but I think we learn new things everyday and that what makes amazing Thailand for me.

About a year ago, I started to study Buddhism but more Buddhism as a hole then the Thai version of Buddhism. I also started to feel that my blog got to personal for my readers and I wanted to keep a channel for uncut and independent news and in the same time write about my personal Thailand. When the Red Shirts came to town, the news just went on hyper drive.  I then decide that with a forum and blog in one I could mix news with my personal Thailand. The launch of VBulletin 4.0 came perfect in time for the launch of the new forum where my blog will soon be as well.

So my blog will not be closed down because I launch the forum (sorry all haters) it will just be in another format inside the blog. I will continue to misspell and tell my view of Thailand even if some people do not like it. I also have other people that will write in the forum but I will be around for sure. But in this way I can continue writing about things I love like animals, Buddhism, nature, health, charity’s, computers, travel and my new found love for driving a motorbike.

We already have some great forum in Thailand like for all your news and visa questions but I cannot stand all the comment or disinformation then is a great forum for people living in Thailand. There is also some other great bar girl’s forums that I do not have to mention here. will not try to compete with them but maybe complete them like a middle path in true Buddhist spirit.

If you miss anything in the forum or want to write your own blog, you are welcome to register and create a blog and start writing. Every topic is welcome as long, as they are Google friendly and do not break any Thai laws.

So sometime this week I will stop using Word Press and redirect old blog to the new forum and until then you can find and join the forum here

The Forum here

Thailand Forum

The articles here

Thailand Blog

Joining our forum has never been easier you can just use your Facebook account or register normally in less than 1 min.

See you on the other side J

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