Both military generals and former PM Thaksin says people should not believe the rumors about coups. It is to very famous fortune tellers that have predicted that a bloody coup is eminent. The first ironic thing is that Thaksin loves to go to fortunes tellers and he even goes to Burma to find out the future. The second thing is that the military also denied and last coup rumors and look where we ended up.
Former PM Thaksin says do not believe in fortunes tellers even if he does
Coup 20060919Politics April 12, 2008

Chuck Miser
I remember back a few years there was a general that believed in fortune tellers. His name was Lon Nol and he was the guy that the US propped up as the leader after the coup in Cambodia that ousted King Sihanouk.
The end of that Side Show was the Khmer Rouge and one of the worst genocides in history.
Let’s hope that the talk of another coup is just rumor mongering.