Foreigner saves child Pattaya police give ticket

Foreigner saves child Pattaya police give ticket

One of my close friends in Thailand was riding on his motorbike last night. He spotted a child running out in the traffic and was almost killed. My friend turned his motorbike around to block the cars from hitting the child and saved the child. He got inured to his arms and legs.

When the Thai Pattaya police came to make a report of the accident they gave my friend a ticket for not having his driver license with him. He got a 400 THB ticket for saving a child’s life. He also has to pay for the hospital bill and motorbike scratches on his bike.

When he came home to his girlfriend, she told him off and said som num nah and that means in English servers you right or something similar.

Many Thai does not help in accidents because they are listen to that word and if you seen an accident you see most Thai just stand around and point the finger.

It is good to know that when we need the Pattaya Police they are there for us a big hurray for them.

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