Forbidden News Thailand

Forbidden News Thailand

The Red Shirt protesters in Bangkok have at least turned the light on the bad rep the press freedom have in Thailand. Several websites have similar content these days and they are growing in number. The number of website that Thailand block also grows every day and that is not a good thing. The MICT from order from the government blocked 500 websites per day since the Red Shirts started to take over Bangkok. MICT have also blocked pages from big newspapers such as The Nation and Bangkok Post. Some editors on big Thai speaking newspapers been arrested just for commenting a video on a website that is blocked in Thailand. The New Mandala talked about a sensitive video that has been shown in Australia regarding blocked subjects in Thailand. Fact Thailand reports about blocked websites and how they want press freedom in Thailand. Will these different website also be closed down or blocked in a matter of time or will the MICT just go after publications in Thailand?

The video in matter is only be found in one place now and that is on the UDD Facebook page, it is deleted from different file sharing sites but will problem come up soon again. It was even upload on Pantip one of Thailand biggest forum but deleted soon after.

You can read about the video from foreign correspondent on Thai Political Prisoner and the New Mandala if you are in Australia you can go directly to ABC.

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