Everything is not gold in Thailand

Everything is not gold in Thailand

When you come to Thailand and the pocket is full with cash you might have the stupid idea to buy a bar right of the plane, don’t ok.

There is enough people doing it already and they are stuck here if they do not want to take a big loss like a man and go home.

When you see ads like “New restaurant selling because or retirement” you know something is wrong. Why would you build a restaurant if you are retiring?

This add is even better “Go Go bar on walking street minimum income 700 000 a month. Price 6 Million”. Why would you sell a Go Go bar on walking street that makes 700 000 THB a month? Well because they do not make that money and they keep on selling it all the time to new players like you.

If you want to buy something in Thailand house or business, stay here at least for a year and feel the country out. There is always business for sale and most of the times the real offer are not in the magazines, you will find them when you live here.

Comments (2)

  1. admin

    June 27, 2008
  2. Benny

    June 27, 2008

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