Eric Levine California Fitness selling his house in Thailand

Eric Levine California Fitness selling his house in Thailand

I can not explain why I love Thailand so much. But I guess the food, the weather, the culture and the people can explain some of it.
When I first came here I was a big of a toys for boys kind of guy but the longer I stay in Thailand the less things I want to have.

If I could I will sell almost everything I had and I would be so much happier. I have many times wanted to sell everything I own on eBay for scrap dollar just to get rid of it. Lets say its my way to pursuit happiness.

The problem I see in Thailand today is that most people living in Thailand and the Thai people themselves go the opposite away. They crave for more things and all the things that they can not afford yet and they will do almost anything to get it.

That leads me to the reason why i wrote it, i found a articel in the Bangkok Post this. I really can not understand why Eric Levine the founder of California wow (aka California fitness aka 24 hour fitness) in Thailand can sell his house that he a few years ago said he wanted to live in?
This colossus of a house with a fitness center and huge garden is for sale? If I built a house with that personal feeling I would keep it. What’s the reason for selling things when you are already having so much money?

My dream when I come to Thailand and it still is was to build a house and then live there. I want to create a personal house and then have a quite life there with people and dogs I love. Trying to reflect on my past life and how to be a better person in the future and how I can help others.

Hopefully Eric Levine have found the same feeling as I have for Thailand want to sell the house because he want less things in his life to worry about. So if you want to help Eric then buy his house, it’s for sale by Indigo Real Estate

One Response

  1. Koffi Mensah

    October 5, 2009

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