Does Thailand deals in blood diamonds?

Does Thailand deals in blood diamonds?

You might think that Thailand have loads of diamonds here because the jewels are so cheap here. But they are cheap because Africans smuggling diamonds in to Thailand. After that the cheap but skilled labor force of Thailand jewelry business creates master pieces of them. You might see the Police crack down on Africans in Thailand sometimes but most of the time they are just magazine headlines they are released after some money are exchanged and the media has left. I met Africans I know just hours I saw him on the news were the police told the press he is going to be deported.

So why do the Thai Police release all this Africans time after time? The answer is pretty simple blood diamonds and many of them. Poor Africans are paid for them big money to smuggle diamonds to Thailand and there is not much risk getting caught for it because the buyer in Thailand will just cash them out from the customs. I never seen a article in the Thai magazine about some African getting stopped in the airport for smuggling diamonds and I am sure I never will. For Thailand this is huge sums of money and the sharks behind this are making sure that the blood diamonds will keep on coming to Thailand what ever the cost.

Comments (2)

  1. Mindstream

    October 22, 2009
  2. John Murphy

    October 20, 2009

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