Doctor Death gets death in Thailand

Doctor Death gets death in Thailand

In Thailand it is all about who know and how much money you have. A few years ago a Doctor that killed his girlfriend in rage got free to do civil service for a few weeks but another Doctor that killed his wife also a doctor got his death sentence today. The Doctor was very popular and even my ex wife went to his clinic but because his murdered wifes family has money and power and is pushing the case until he got death. He will do a last appeal to the King Of Thailand for pardon in his case because he has been helping inmates in the prison.

I am not sure how this pardon works because i just saw a serial killer got death and then life beucase he confess. Sure he confess but not the first time and only after pressure. I think if they confess right awat then give them pardon but not otherwise. If you give them pardon later the people who are guilty will just admit it and peopel that are scared of loosing the case will also confess.

Drug dealers always confess because they are caught with the drugs on them, what can they but confess? They should only give them pardon if they help the police to catch other drug dealers.

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