Do not travel to Phuket

Do not travel to Phuket

Another Tuk Tuk driver in Phuket thought the best way to improve the image for Phuket was to beat another tourist up. Mr Anvar from Canada agreed to pay 150 THB to another hotel but he then understood that that he been scammed since the new hotel was just around the corner.

He then offered the 100 THB for the ride to the Tuk Tuk driver who answered by calling a friend and the two of them start beating the Canadian.

After a few hours the Tuk Tuk driver reported himself to the police and was denied bail (wow). His boss could not understand why since 150 THB was a standard price for a Tuk Tuk drive in Phuket. Basically tourist be warned if you do not pay we beat you up at no extra charge.

I wrote it before and I will do it again, just avoid Phuket, and let them clean up themselves before any tourists put its foot there. It should be a travel warning when you land in the airport in Phuket that you are now entering a scam zone.

Do not travel to Phuket if you do not want to look like on the photo below

Note: After we wrote this Mr Anwar have confessed to fighting back with the Tuk Tuk mafia and confessed. If he did not do that he would have to stay in Thailand until a court hearing and that might take months. He was fined a 1000 THB.

pay your Tuk tuk driver or else
Tuk Tuk Thailand

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