Do not rent a jet ski in Thailand

Do not rent a jet ski in Thailand

I think I told you this before but do not rent a jet ski in Thailand. It can ruin your holiday and the wallet for a while.

Many tourists have ended up paying more then enough to scammers paying like land sharks on innocent tourist. The government of the different tourist’s areas has “tried” to do something’s but since the scams are so profitable nobody really want to stop doing them. Everybody kicks the money up to tourist’s police and higher so why stop it?

The best way to show them that they have to clean up their act is to stop renting them, just stop all of you tourists coming to Thailand.

At least one good thing is that the Pattaya police have said they do not want to take care of the problem anymore. If the rental company on the beach wants to go to the police after you refuse to pay the silly amount for no damage on the Jet Ski.
Then please go to the police and tell them that you are being scammed and want to file a report and notify your embassy. The police can not do anything to you because this is a civil matter and has nothing to do with the police. If the rental company threaten you tell the police and then let them escort you away from the rental company and do not go back to that beach anymore.

The police have told the rental company this as well, at least in Pattaya so that they will try screaming and other ways to get the scammed money.

If you have any problem with this please contact us we can help you with advice

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