Do not make your Thai staff cry

Do not make your Thai staff cry

Some people never learn how to deal with Thai culture. Americans that do not realize the delicacy of Thai work culture should go home and read a book or something. A Boss from a well known fitness center in Thailand went high wild when the sales was not up to normal standard and told everybody that they going to be kicked down or fired within next week.

That is not the way to boost moral in Thai workers they will often just quit themselves or work less and speak bad about the company. If you really unlucky they just take all there clients and move to another fitness facility. To build up a good sale in Thailand there must be off course the carrot but also rearwards and yes off course some punishment if they do not work. Thai people live for compliments and always trying to avoid direct confrontation and even how much you want to teach them to confront problem there is no way they will do that. Try instead to make them “kreng jai” you have favors to ask from them then you will see work better and they will stay loyal.


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