I am sure you have not missed the 16 year old elephant in Korea that learned to copy sounds from his trainer. I saw the news on CNN and the elephant was so cute copying the sounds of his trainer.
” The pachyderm produces humanlike sounds by putting his trunk in his mouth and shaking it while exhaling _ similar to how people whistle with their fingers.”
 In the nighttime they have an infra red cam on and you can see the elephant talking to himself, so dam cute 🙂
This reminds me that for the elephant to do this he must be pretty damn smart, to think of a way to copy sound he normally can not say. Normally they talk in much lower voice that humans can not hear.
Now come back to Thailand i want to tell you, beg you, demand you and plead to you please do not feed elephants when you come as a tourist here.
More than often you see Baby elephant walking around in the middle of the city in Bangkok. Most of the time you can see them near the tourist areas like Patpong, Kosan Road or Nana. Along with the elephant is 2-4 people asking everyone to buy food for the elephant and you can pet the elephant or feed them.
The elephant should not be in Bangkok walking the streets you can see that their skin is bad and the feet are hurting and their eyes are crying (i know i know but it looks like it). You can see its not a happy elephant at all. Furthermore it create traffic jams and once in a while some one run into them and then they have to kill it.
In the daytime the elephants live under the highway in the outskirts of Bangkok in a small place with some grass and a dirty pond.
By stop feeding the animals you can also help counter corrupting since this people dragging the elephants here have to pay money to the police to take them here.
So spread the word if we all stop feeding them and buying food from them they will not come anymore.
Do not feed the elephant they will talk bad about you
NatureThai Travel September 30, 2006