Crocked property market in Thailand

Crocked property market in Thailand

Was looking at some houses last week and as usual I get surprised by the thickness of some sales staff. Why bring 3 girls if only one is enough? Why bring one at all if all she can say does not really matter? All she had said about the houses was not true it was just baloney when we came back to the office.

We have asked them before the meeting

-“Do we need down payment?”
Their answer
I think we asked 10 times before the first meeting but when we was at the office the story was different they wanted money for the house in Pattaya.
I just let the office and said like I normally do when I see that is no point to talk anymore.

We got a phone call from the property developer 1 day later and ask us to come down and talk.

The first thing they say was they need a down payment for the house in Pattaya. I calmly told them I have not even seen the contract and the details for the house and before that I do not pay anything.

They did not want to release any document before I paid a down payment I could not even take a copy and show a lawyer.
The property developer made another deal but the same price they just switch the words from down payment to payment.

Another funny thing was the big sign they had outside the building site offering free motorbike and air con and all other stuff. When I asked them about it they said it was not from them. When I was down in the market later I saw the sales staff sitting there with that offer talking to new customers.
Welcome to the crocked property market in Thailand

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