Buddhist gift ideas for Christmas

Buddhist gift ideas for Christmas

I can tell you right now I was happy 10 years ago when the hysteria of Christmas had not reached Thailand. The streets still had lights since Thailand celebrate the Kings Births from 5 December every year and for the New Year but Santa was still absent.

Now Thailand is selling the most hides flashing Santa hats, sexy Santa outfits, overpriced Christmas dinners, plastic Christmas threes, totally Christmas decoration and all the malls and fitness centers are playing the same Christmas songs over and over.

Thai people love holidays and they love decorating and stuff so Christmas is really perfect to them but they do it in a very American way the meaning and silence have totally lost its meaning.

There is no silent night anywhere and the kids are crying foul for more presents if they do not get what they want.

Could I wish for a Buddhist Christmas where we give away to the once in need and give from the heart and soul? In a Buddhist way do not burden your children with more gifts and presents give them something they will learn something from.

Maybe Buddha’s lost children DVD

Medication Class

Go rescue some Animals

Give away gifts from last year to poor children and see them smile

I hope you will get a Very happy peaceful Christmas and a Happy New year!

Buddhas lost childen

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