Are you going to do suicide in Thailand?

Are you going to do suicide in Thailand?

Are you going to do suicide in Thailand?

The risk is that if you die in Thailand your reason of death will never be the true one. Most cases in Thailand with foreigners are ruled out as suicides or natural deaths.

If you are a person that never going to take suicide let the family know and maybe even the embassy. Write them an email or letter and tell them that you never will take your own life and if you die it must be a crime behind it.

Just because someone jump from a high rise building does not mean it is suicide someone can force or kick you out, but the Thai police never check.

The most recent cases are two Korean girls that travel all the way to Thailand to smash their heads in and then drown themselves. The Thai police think one killed the other and then used the body to drown herself.

Every week we hear about foreigners jumping from buildings in Pattaya but do they all jump?

If you are friends or family of the person dead in Thailand contact your consulate and come here as soon as possible that’s the only way to really know what happened.

Comments (2)

  1. admin

    August 16, 2008
  2. The Ghost

    August 14, 2008

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