AOT now have monopoly to sell overpriced taxis from Bangkok airport

AOT now have monopoly to sell overpriced taxis from Bangkok airport

The Police of Thailand with AOT has arrested over 900 different illegal bus and van driver and sales staff that has been operation from the new airport in Thailand.

They almost arrested me when I picked up my friends in a rented van they said we where illegal van company. I took me 4 other Thai people to explain for the Police that we have order this van to pick us up.

Now don’t think that this will stop people from asking you to take a “limousine” or a tell you that the taxi does not drive today. No off course not, this bluff company belongs to the AOT and Thai airways and they sell very price cars to take you to Bangkok.
They have just made sure that they now have monopoly on selling scam trips from the airport.

But there is a opening in the dark sky AOT said that they will allow normal taxis to operate from the second floor where all the passengers come out. Yes I think that’s a very good idea why does AOT have to hide the Taxi queue?

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