Americas most feared mutated bacterium MRSA carrier lost in Bangkok

Americas most feared mutated bacterium MRSA carrier lost in Bangkok

Americans doctors fear it more then Ebola and it has now come to Thailand.
The Community-Acquired Methi-cillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was found in 33-year-old male psychotic patient. He was transferred from another hospital that was treating him for his psychotic behavior.
Unfortunately for us the patient is missing because he was discharged from hospital before the genetic analysis was complete and it was concluded that he had MRSA.

The MSRA has been a hot topic in U.S for some years now. It can be spread trough hand to hand contact. An idyllic spot for the bug is spa, fitness centers and massage places. According to Dr Pisespong Patamasucon, a professor of pediatrics with the University of Nevada’s School of Medicine it’s just a matter of time before we have the full scale of the MSRA in Thailand.

If you look to U.S 59 per cent of patients attending hospitals with skin infections turn out to have community-acquired MRSA, with up to 25 per cent needing lengthy treatment to recover. A person can carry the MSRA up to 3 years before getting sick witch makes tracking very difficult.


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