All Bangkok schools to close for 4 days

All Bangkok schools to close for 4 days

It was not enough with the internet shops and extra schools, now all schools in Bangkok will be closed for a 4 days from the 15-19 July 2009.

People are also being told to avoid crowds and most government agencies and other places will have face masks to try to stop the spreading of the swine flu virus.

But will this really help? Most countries have given up the fight and are trying to put the money to save people that really need to be protected. The swine flue is not very deadly at all for normal people and most death are from people with other problems.

In Europe some countries are going to vaccinate the entire country against swine flue before it comes because it can stop an entire country from working properly, this is not the case in Thailand.

But I am sure some private hospitals in Thailand will sell vaccines to people with money as soon as it comes out on the market. They already suggest to some people to do it even if the vaccine is not totally ready yet.

Last time they had a swine flue outbreak in the USA more people died from the vaccine then the actual flue just think about that before you vaccinate your self.

Comments (2)

  1. Mindstream

    July 14, 2009
  2. Ajun

    July 14, 2009

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