A lot more Pedophile in Thailand

A lot more Pedophile in Thailand

As I have told you about the old British gay had Pedophile a 14-year-old boy, which is not enough. There are still more cases which happened at Nakhon Ratchasima. Canadian gay guy had sexual abuse on nine-year-old boy who is younger than the old case I mentioned before. What I afraid is already happened and it doesn’t happen only at Pattaya. It spread out to many provinces in Thailand.

Since there are many sexual abuse cases on young boys, Thailand became the focus of international concern over sexual abuse of children. It’s such a very sad news and shouldn’t be supposed to happen. Tourists don’t come here only for prostitute at Nana or Pattaya but many gay guys come to have sex with very young kids.

I would like to warn all parents to be careful and don’t trust some foreigners who seems like the tourists roaming around Thailand. All sexual abuse cases seem easy to happen because they trust the foreigners and don’t think the foreigners will harm them. The attitude of Thais toward Foreigners especially the white ones are the good attitude and Thais think of them as a prince or a princess which is not true.

Many of them come to Thailand for bad purpose which you can see from the news. Sorry for all good tourists, I know there are still many good tourists in Thailand and some of them were cheated by Thais. But here is the warning for Thais to be more careful and don’t let the looks trick you.

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