A dead ATM in Pattaya

A dead ATM in Pattaya

Thai Police and our own Howard at the Pattaya One News was surprised that a Thai woman and her son did not show any emotions when their husband and father had taken his life. The man had as so many before him taken a big leap from the balcony and never came back up.
The Thai police was not sure the man jumped by his own because the woman was not upset or crying. Well I can help you with this, when an ATM is broken, you just take the next one why should one broken ATM upset you?

You do not have to be a brain surgeon or a TV reporter that know that some Thai girls marry foreigners for their money and not for their looks. In Pattaya the percentage of girls is even higher than the rest of the country. They marry because of their good heart (big open wallet) and the age (old man no butterfly me) less chance he run away with another girl.

So for me it did not come as a surprise that they showed no emotions and a guy who take his own life he had probably made the life difficult for his family for a long time and maybe they are sadden he is gone but also relieved it finally is over.

Walking ATM found dead
Walking ATM found dead

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