51 Burmese dead the rest gets jail in Thailand

51 Burmese dead the rest gets jail in Thailand

The Burmese work seekers that did not die in the container for frozen sea food has been sentenced to 3 days in prison. Good work Thailand you have not arrested the person responsibly for the smuggling but you gave people that most certain lost a friend or relative in this sad story 3 days in the can.

How difficult can it be? The truck has a registration plate then you can see the persons name and address. The truck driver works for a company because he can not afford the truck himself. So go to the truck company and arrest them or at least search for more evidence they probably smuggle people all the time.

No sorry I forget the truck company is owned by some high connected person and a dead Burmese is not a good Burmese because he can not work cased closed.

Related story 51 Burmese dead

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